Matthew Diebel
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Separating the determinants of phylogenetic community structure
MR Helmus, K Savage, MW Diebel, JT Maxted, AR Ives
Ecology letters 10 (10), 917-925, 2007
Restoring aquatic ecosystem connectivity requires expanding inventories of both dams and road crossings
SR Januchowski-Hartley, PB McIntyre, M Diebel, PJ Doran, DM Infante, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11 (4), 211-217, 2013
Primary consumer stable nitrogen isotopes as indicators of nutrient source
MJ Vander Zanden, Y Vadeboncoeur, MW Diebel, E Jeppesen
Environmental science & technology 39 (19), 7509-7515, 2005
Enhancing ecosystem restoration efficiency through spatial and temporal coordination
TM Neeson, MC Ferris, MW Diebel, PJ Doran, JR O’Hanley, PB McIntyre
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (19), 6236-6241, 2015
Landscape planning for agricultural nonpoint source pollution reduction III: assessing phosphorus and sediment reduction potential
MW Diebel, JT Maxted, DM Robertson, S Han, MJ Vander Zanden
Environmental management 43, 69-83, 2009
Nitrogen stable isotopes in streams: effects of agricultural sources and transformations
MW Diebel, MJV Zanden
Ecological Applications 19 (5), 1127-1134, 2009
Restoring stream habitat connectivity: a proposed method for prioritizing the removal of resident fish passage barriers
JR O'Hanley, J Wright, M Diebel, MA Fedora, CL Soucy
Journal of environmental management 125, 19-27, 2013
Landscape planning for agricultural nonpoint source pollution reduction I: a geographical allocation framework
MW Diebel, JT Maxted, PJ Nowak, MJ Vander Zanden
Environmental management 42, 789-802, 2008
Effects of road crossings on habitat connectivity for stream‐resident fish
MW Diebel, M Fedora, S Cogswell, JR O'hanley
River research and applications 31 (10), 1251-1261, 2015
Informing watershed connectivity barrier prioritization decisions: a synthesis
SK McKay, AR Cooper, MW Diebel, D Elkins, G Oldford, C Roghair, ...
River research and Applications 33 (6), 847-862, 2017
Annual precipitation regulates spatial and temporal drivers of lake water clarity
KC Rose, SR Greb, M Diebel, MG Turner
Ecological Applications 27 (2), 632-643, 2017
Effects of urbanization on the geomorphology, habitat, hydrology, and fish index of biotic integrity of streams in the Chicago area, Illinois and Wisconsin
FA Fitzpatrick, MW Diebel, MA Harris, TL Arnold, MA Lutz, KD Richards
American Fisheries Society Symposium 47, 87-115, 2005
A toolkit for optimizing fish passage barrier mitigation actions
S King, JR O'Hanley, LR Newbold, PS Kemp, MW Diebel
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (2), 599-611, 2017
Fish community dynamics following dam removal in a fragmented agricultural stream
MS Kornis, BC Weidel, SM Powers, MW Diebel, TJ Cline, JM Fox, ...
Aquatic Sciences 77, 465-480, 2015
Regional-level inputs of emergent aquatic insects from water to land
M Bartrons, M Papeş, MW Diebel, C Gratton, MJ Vander Zanden
Ecosystems 16, 1353-1363, 2013
Predicting road culvert passability for migratory fishes
SR Januchowski‐Hartley, M Diebel, PJ Doran, PB McIntyre
Diversity and Distributions 20 (12), 1414-1424, 2014
Pet project or best project? Online decision support tools for prioritizing barrier removals in the Great Lakes and beyond
AT Moody, TM Neeson, S Wangen, J Dischler, MW Diebel, A Milt, ...
Fisheries 42 (1), 57-65, 2017
Minimizing opportunity costs to aquatic connectivity restoration while controlling an invasive species
AW Milt, MW Diebel, PJ Doran, MC Ferris, M Herbert, ML Khoury, ...
Conservation Biology 32 (4), 894-904, 2018
Landscape planning for agricultural non–point source pollution reduction. II. balancing watershed size, number of watersheds, and implementation effort
JT Maxted, MW Diebel, MJ Vander Zanden
Environmental Management 43, 60-68, 2009
Preparing for the future: teaching scenario planning at the graduate level
R Biggs, MW Diebel, D Gilroy, AM Kamarainen, MS Kornis, ND Preston, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (5), 267-273, 2010
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Articles 1–20