Anne Kamau
Cited by
Cited by
Universal health care in Kenya: Opportunities and challenges for the informal sector workers
BM Muiya, A Kamau
International Journal of Education and Research 1 (11), 1-10, 2013
Factors influencing access and utilisation of preventive reproductive health services by adolescents in Kenya: a case study of Murang'a District
AW Kamau
Fiscal architecture and revenue capacity in Kenya
SN Karingi, B Wanjala, A Kamau, E Nyakang’o, A Mwangi, M Muhoro, ...
Nairobi, Kenya: KIPPRA, 2004
Women entrepreneurs and the Myth of ‘underperformance’: A New Look at women’s entrepreneurship research
S Yousafzai, A Fayolle, A Lindgreen, C Henry, S Saeed, S Sheikh
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018
Women street vendors
PO Alila, WV Mitullah, AW Kamau
University of Nairobi, 2002
Multiple discourses on sexuality implications for translating sexual wellness concept into action strategies in a Kenyan context
B Ahlberg, A Kamau, F Maina, A Kulane
African Sociological Review/Revue Africaine de Sociologie 13 (1), 2009
Evaluating the impact of microfranchising the distribution of anti-malarial drugs in Kenya on malaria mortality and morbidity
J Oduor, A Kamau, E Mathenge
Journal of development effectiveness 1 (3), 353-377, 2009
A formative study of disposal and re-use of old mosquito nets by communities in Malindi, Kenya
LW Kibe, AW Kamau, JK Gachigi, A Habluetzel, CM Mbogo
MalariaWorld Journal 6 (9), 9, 2015
Psychosocial influences on adolescent sexuality and identity in rural Kenya
A Kamau, R Bornemann, U Laaser
Health Sociology Review 15 (3), 305-316, 2006
The African Growth and Opportunity Act: an Empirical Analysis of the Possibilities Post-2015
S Mevel, Z Lewis, M Kimenyi, S Karingi, A Kamau
Women informal traders and child care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from Accra, Durban and Nakuru
L Boatang-Pobee, S Heneck, A Kamau, F Kapere, K Kyere, M Maphumulo, ...
WIEGO Resource Document, 2021
Mental health symptoms and inflammatory markers among HIV infected patients in Tanzania
G Memiah, P., Nkinda, l., Majigo, M., Humwa, F., Haile, Z., Muthoka, K ...
BMC Public Health volume 21 (1113), 1113, 2021
Policies, Regulations and Organizational Capacity of Women Street Vendors in Kenya: A Handbook
PO Alila, WV Mitullah, A Kamau
Nairobi: Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi, 2000
Informal transport worker organizations and social protection provision in Kenya
A Kamau
Social Protection and Informal Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa:: Lived …, 2021
Merry go round: a study of informal self-help groups in Kenya
I Jussi, MM Mwangi, P Kamau, A Kamau, J Njoka
Nokia Research Centre-Africa, 2009
Hypertension and associated inflammatory markers among HIV-infected patients in Tanzania
P Memiah, L Nkinda, M Majigo, Y Opanga, F Humwa, S Inzaule, ...
Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research 41 (8), 291-301, 2021
Bridging the entrepreneurial gender gap through social protection among women small-scale traders in Kenya
A Kamau, P Kamau, D Muia, H Baiya, J Ndung’u
Women Entrepreneurs and the Myth of ‘Underperformance’, 159-172, 2018
South Sudan: Resolving the oil dispute
AW Kamau, W Schneidman
The Brookings Institution, https://www. brookings. edu/opinions/south-sudan …, 2012
The owners of the body are not involved: Examining adolescents access, provision and use of preventive reproductive health services in Central Kenya.
AW Kamau
University of Nairobi, 2012
Women entrepreneurs creating value in informal public transport enterprises in Kenya
A Kamau, WV Mitullah
Research Handbook of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Value Creation, 164-176, 2022
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Articles 1–20