Wei Liu
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Cited by
Convergence of conduction bands as a means of enhancing thermoelectric performance of n-type Mg 2 Si 1-x Sn x solid solutions
W Liu, X Tan, K Yin, H Liu, X Tang, J Shi, Q Zhang, C Uher
Physical review letters 108 (16), 166601, 2012
Optimized Thermoelectric Properties of Sb-Doped Mg2 (1+ z) Si0. 5–y Sn0. 5Sb y through Adjustment of the Mg Content
W Liu, X Tang, H Li, J Sharp, X Zhou, C Uher
Chemistry of Materials 23 (23), 5256-5263, 2011
Enhanced thermoelectric properties of n-type Mg 2.16 (Si 0.4 Sn 0.6) 1− y Sb y due to nano-sized Sn-rich precipitates and an optimized electron concentration
W Liu, X Tang, H Li, K Yin, J Sharp, X Zhou, C Uher
Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (27), 13653-13661, 2012
High figure of merit and thermoelectric properties of Bi-doped Mg 2 Si 0.4 Sn 0.6 solid solutions
W Liu, Q Zhang, K Yin, H Chi, X Zhou, X Tang, C Uher
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 203, 333-339, 2013
In situ synthesis and thermoelectric properties of PbTe–graphene nanocomposites by utilizing a facile and novel wet chemical method
J Dong, W Liu, H Li, X Su, X Tang, C Uher
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (40), 12503-12511, 2013
Advanced thermoelectrics governed by a single parabolic band: Mg 2 Si 0.3 Sn 0.7, a canonical example
W Liu, H Chi, H Sun, Q Zhang, K Yin, X Tang, Q Zhang, C Uher
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (15), 6893-6897, 2014
Multiscale calculations of thermoelectric properties of n-type Mg 2 Si 1− x Sn x solid solutions
XJ Tan, W Liu, HJ Liu, J Shi, XF Tang, C Uher
Physical Review B 85 (20), 205212, 2012
Rapid preparation of CeFe 4 Sb 12 skutterudite by melt spinning: rich nanostructures and high thermoelectric performance
G Tan, W Liu, S Wang, Y Yan, H Li, X Tang, C Uher
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (40), 12657-12668, 2013
Low-temperature solid state reaction synthesis and thermoelectric properties of high-performance and low-cost Sb-doped Mg2Si0. 6Sn0. 4
W Liu, X Tang, J Sharp
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (8), 085406, 2010
Low effective mass and carrier concentration optimization for high performance p-type Mg 2 (1− x) Li 2x Si 0.3 Sn 0.7 solid solutions
Q Zhang, L Cheng, W Liu, Y Zheng, X Su, H Chi, H Liu, Y Yan, X Tang, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (43), 23576-23583, 2014
Thermoelectric properties of Sb-doped Mg2Si0. 3Sn0. 7
W Liu, Q Zhang, X Tang, H Li, J Sharp
Journal of electronic materials 40 (5), 1062-1066, 2011
Enhanced hole concentration through Ga doping and excess of Mg and thermoelectric properties of p-type Mg 2 (1+ z)(Si 0.3 Sn 0.7) 1− y Ga y
W Liu, K Yin, X Su, H Li, Y Yan, X Tang, C Uher
Intermetallics 32, 352-361, 2013
Realization of high thermoelectric performance in p-type unfilled ternary skutterudites FeSb 2+ xTe 1− x via band structure modification and significant point defect scattering
G Tan, W Liu, H Chi, X Su, S Wang, Y Yan, X Tang, W Wong-Ng, C Uher
Acta Materialia 61 (20), 7693-7704, 2013
Low-temperature transport properties of Tl-doped Bi 2 Te 3 single crystals
H Chi, W Liu, K Sun, X Su, G Wang, P Lošt'ák, V Kucek, Č Drašar, C Uher
Physical Review B 88 (4), 045202, 2013
Thermoelectric transport properties of p-type silver-doped PbS with in situ Ag2S nanoprecipitates
Y Zheng, S Wang, W Liu, Z Yin, H Li, X Tang, C Uher
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (11), 115303, 2014
Toward high thermoelectric performance p-type FeSb 2.2 Te 0.8 via in situ formation of InSb nanoinclusions
G Tan, H Chi, W Liu, Y Zheng, X Tang, J He, C Uher
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (32), 8372-8380, 2015
Thermoelectric Performance of Sb-and La-Doped Mg2Si0. 5Ge0. 5
X Zhou, G Wang, H Chi, X Su, JR Salvador, W Liu, X Tang, C Uher
Journal of electronic materials 41 (6), 1589-1594, 2012
High-quality ultra-flat BiSbTe 3 films grown by MBE
W Liu, L Endicott, VA Stoica, H Chi, R Clarke, C Uher
Journal of Crystal Growth 410, 23-29, 2015
Origins of enhanced thermoelectric power factor in topologically insulating Bi0. 64Sb1. 36Te3 thin films
W Liu, H Chi, JC Walrath, AS Chang, VA Stoica, L Endicott, X Tang, ...
Applied Physics Letters 108 (4), 043902, 2016
Thermoelectric Properties of Mg2 (Si0. 3Sn0. 7) 1− y Sb y Solid Solutions Doped with Co as CoSi Secondary Phase
Q Zhang, W Liu, C Liu, K Yin, XF Tang
Journal of Electronic Materials 43 (6), 2188-2195, 2014
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