Graduate Schooly of Environmental, Life, Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
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Cited by
Nitrogen as a key regulator of flowering in Fagus crenata: understanding the physiological mechanism of masting by gene expression analysis
Y Miyazaki, Y Maruyama, Y Chiba, MJ Kobayashi, B Joseph, KK Shimizu, ...
Ecology letters 17 (10), 1299-1309, 2014
Allocation of resources to reproduction in Styrax obassia in a masting year
Y Miyazaki, T Hiura, E Kato, R Funada
Annals of Botany 89 (6), 767-772, 2002
Dynamics of internal carbon resources during masting behavior in trees
Y Miyazaki
Ecological Research 28, 143-150, 2013
Genets of dwarf bamboo do not die after one flowering event: evidence from genetic structure and flowering pattern
Y Miyazaki, N Ohnishi, H Takafumi, T Hiura
Journal of plant research 122 (5), 523-528, 2009
Predicting effects of climate change on productivity and persistence of forest trees
RD Kramer, HR Ishii, KR Carter, Y Miyazaki, MA Cavaleri, MG Araki, ...
Ecological Research 35 (4), 562-574, 2020
Allocation of photo‐assimilated 13C from reproductive and non‐reproductive shoots to fruits in Styrax obassia
Y Miyazaki, T Hiura, R Funada
Plant Species Biology 22 (1), 53-57, 2007
Pre‐pollination barriers between two sympatric Arisaema species in northern Shikoku Island, Japan
TK Matsumoto, Y Miyazaki, M Sueyoshi, Y Senda, K Yamada, M Hirobe
American journal of botany 106 (12), 1612-1621, 2019
Selective pollination by fungus gnats potentially functions as an alternative reproductive isolation among five Arisaema species
TK Matsumoto, M Hirobe, M Sueyoshi, Y Miyazaki
Annals of botany 127 (5), 633-644, 2021
Temporal and spatial dynamics of an old-growth beech forest in western Japan
U Ariya, KY Hamano, T Makimoto, S Kinoshita, Y Akaji, Y Miyazaki, ...
Journal of Forest Research 21 (2), 73-83, 2016
Resource level as a proximate factor influencing fluctuations in male flower production in Cryptomeria japonica D. Don
Y Miyazaki, T Osawa, Y Waguchi
Journal of Forest Research 14 (6), 358-364, 2009
Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers for Sasa senanensis (Poaceae: Bambuseae)
Y Miyazaki, N Ohnishi, K Hirayama, J Nagata
Conservation Genetics 10 (3), 585-587, 2009
Relationship between seasonal progression of floral meristem development and FLOWERING LOCUS T expression in the deciduous tree Fagus crenata
Y Miyazaki, A Satake
Ecological Research 32 (4), 627-631, 2017
Population structures and spatial patterns of two unpalatable Arisaema species (Araceae) with and without clonal reproduction in a riparian forest intensively …
TK Matsumoto, M Hirobe, Y Akaji, Y Miyazaki
Journal of Forestry Research 31 (1), 155-162, 2020
Evaluating the soil microbe community‐level physiological profile using EcoPlate and soil properties at 33 forest sites across Japan
M Nakamura, C Terada, K Ito, K Matsui, S Niwa, M Ishihara, T Kenta, ...
Ecological Research, 2022
宮崎祐子, 染川知之, 和口美明
奈良県森林技術センター研究報告, 65-68, 2009
The relationship between seedling survival rates and their genetic relatedness to neighboring conspecific adults
Y Akaji, Y Miyazaki, M Hirobe, T Makimoto, K Sakamoto
Plant Ecology 217 (4), 465-470, 2016
宮崎祐子, 三橋弘宗, 大澤剛士
保全生態学研究 20 (1), 3-14, 2015
Development of microsatellite markers for the annual andromonoecious herb Commelina communis f. ciliata (Commelinaceae)
KR Katsuhara, N Nakahama, T Komura, M Kato, Y Miyazaki, Y Isagi, M Ito, ...
Genes & genetic systems, 18-00058, 2019
Survival and growth of Fagus crenata seedlings in relation to biological and microtopographical factors in a cool temperate broadleaf forest
Y Akaji, M Hirobe, Y Miyazaki, T Makimoto, S Kinoshita, I Hattori, ...
Journal of Forest Research 22 (5), 294-302, 2017
Two closely related species of the Arisaema ovale group (Araceae) selectively attract male fungus gnats of different Anatella species (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
TK Matsumoto, M Sueyoshi, S Sakata, Y Miyazaki, M Hirobe
Plant Systematics and Evolution 309 (1), 4, 2023
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Articles 1–20