A. Carolin Frank
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Transmission of bacterial endophytes
AC Frank, JP Saldierna Guzmán, JE Shay
Microorganisms 5 (4), 70, 2017
Asymmetric substitution patterns: a review of possible underlying mutational or selective mechanisms
AC Frank, JR Lobry
Gene 238 (1), 65-77, 1999
The louse-borne human pathogen Bartonella quintana is a genomic derivative of the zoonotic agent Bartonella henselae
CM Alsmark, AC Frank, EO Karlberg, BA Legault, DH Ardell, B Canbäck, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (26), 9716-9721, 2004
Independent sorting-out of thousands of duplicated gene pairs in two yeast species descended from a whole-genome duplication
DR Scannell, AC Frank, GC Conant, KP Byrne, M Woolfit, KH Wolfe
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (20), 8397-8402, 2007
Computational inference of scenarios for α-proteobacterial genome evolution
B Boussau, EO Karlberg, AC Frank, BA Legault, SGE Andersson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (26), 9722-9727, 2004
Evidence for foliar endophytic nitrogen fixation in a widely distributed subalpine conifer
AB Moyes, LM Kueppers, J Pett‐Ridge, DL Carper, N Vandehey, J O'Neil, ...
New Phytologist 210 (2), 657-668, 2016
Oriloc: prediction of replication boundaries in unannotated bacterial chromosomes
AC Frank, JR Lobry
Bioinformatics 16 (6), 560-561, 2000
Pinus flexilis and Picea engelmannii share a simple and consistent needle endophyte microbiota with a potential role in nitrogen fixation
AA Carrell, AC Frank
Frontiers in Microbiology 5, 333, 2014
Run-Off Replication of Host-Adaptability Genes Is Associated with Gene Transfer Agents in the Genome of Mouse-Infecting Bartonella grahamii
EC Berglund, AC Frank, A Calteau, O Vinnere Pettersson, F Granberg, ...
PLoS genetics 5 (7), e1000546, 2009
Functional divergence and horizontal transfer of type IV secretion systems
AC Frank, CM Alsmark, M Thollesson, SGE Andersson
Molecular biology and evolution 22 (5), 1325-1336, 2005
Endophytes of forest trees
AM Pirttilä, AC Frank
Springer Netherlands, 2011
Evolutionary capture of viral and plasmid DNA by yeast nuclear chromosomes
AC Frank, KH Wolfe
Eukaryotic Cell 8 (10), 1521-1531, 2009
Bacterial endophyte communities in the foliage of coast redwood and giant sequoia
AA Carrell, AC Frank
Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 1008, 2015
Diversifying Selection and Concerted Evolution of a Type IV Secretion System in Bartonella
B Nystedt, AC Frank, M Thollesson, SGE Andersson
Molecular biology and evolution 25 (2), 287-300, 2008
The intracellular scots pine shoot symbiont Methylobacterium extorquens DSM13060 aggregates around the host nucleus and encodes eukaryote-like proteins
JJ Koskimäki, AM Pirttilä, EL Ihantola, O Halonen, AC Frank
MBio 6 (2), 10.1128/mbio. 00039-15, 2015
Bacterial endophyte communities in Pinus flexilis are structured by host age, tissue type, and environmental factors
DL Carper, AA Carrell, LM Kueppers, AC Frank
Plant and Soil 428, 335-352, 2018
Influences of climate on phyllosphere endophytic bacterial communities of wild poplar
A Firrincieli, M Khorasani, AC Frank, SL Doty
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 203, 2020
Molecular host mimicry and manipulation in bacterial symbionts
AC Frank
FEMS microbiology letters 366 (4), fnz038, 2019
Associations between Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Bacterial Needle Endophytes in Pinus radiata: Implications for Biotic Selection of Microbial Communities
MA Rúa, EC Wilson, S Steele, AR Munters, JD Hoeksema, AC Frank
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 399, 2016
Comparative genomics of microbial pathogens and symbionts
SGE Andersson, C Alsmark, B Canbäck, W Davids, C Frank, O Karlberg, ...
Bioinformatics 18 (suppl_2), S17-S17, 2002
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Articles 1–20