Mary Wiktorowicz
Cited by
Cited by
Economic implications of hip fracture: health service use, institutional care and cost in Canada
ME Wiktorowicz, R Goeree, A Papaioannou, JD Adachi, ...
Osteoporosis international 12, 271-278, 2001
Mortality, independence in living, and re-fracture, one year following hip fracture in Canadians
A Papaioannou, M Wiktorowicz, JD Adachi, R Goeree, ...
Journal SOGC 22 (8), 591-597, 2000
Emergent patterns in the regulation of pharmaceuticals: institutions and interests in the United States, Canada, Britain, and France
ME Wiktorowicz
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 28 (4), 615-658, 2003
Improving social accountability processes in the health sector in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review
G Danhoundo, K Nasiri, ME Wiktorowicz
BMC public health 18, 1-8, 2018
Report: four decades of mental health policy in Ontario, Canada
T Schrecker, JS Hoch, C Sharp
Administration and Policy in Mental Health 31 (1), 2003
Pharmacovigilance in Europe and North America: divergent approaches
M Wiktorowicz, J Lexchin, K Moscou
Social Science & Medicine 75 (1), 165-170, 2012
Keeping an eye on prescription drugs, keeping Canadians safe: active monitoring systems for drug safety and effectiveness in Canada and internationally. 2010
Health Council of Canada, ME Wiktorowicz
Mental health network governance: comparative analysis across Canadian regions
ME Wiktorowicz, MJ Fleury, CE Adair, A Lesage, E Goldner, S Peters
International Journal of Integrated Care 10, 2010
Regulating biotechnology: a rational-political model of policy development
M Wiktorowicz, R Deber
Health policy 40 (2), 115-138, 1997
A pandemic treaty, revised international health regulations, or both?
R Labonté, M Wiktorowicz, C Packer, A Ruckert, K Wilson, S Halabi
Globalization and Health 17, 1-4, 2021
Models of concurrent disorder service: policy, coordination, and access to care
M Wiktorowicz, A Abdulle, K Di Pierdomenico, SA Boamah
Frontiers in Psychiatry 10, 61, 2019
Technology Acquisition in Canadian Hospitals: How is it done, and where is the information coming from?
R Deber, M Wiktorowicz, P Leatt, F Champagne
Healthcare Management Forum 7 (4), 18-27, 1994
Regulation of Myelin Basic Protein Gene Transcription in Normal and shiverer Mutant Mice
M Wiktorowicz, A Roach
Developmental neuroscience 13 (3), 143-150, 1991
Governance of mental healthcare: Fragmented accountability
ME Wiktorowicz, K Di Pierdomenico, NJ Buckley, S Lurie, G Czukar
Social Science & Medicine 256, 113007, 2020
Governing global antimicrobial resistance: 6 key lessons from the Paris Climate Agreement
I Weldon, S Rogers Van Katwyk, GL Burci, TC De Campos, ...
American Journal of Public Health 112 (4), 553-557, 2022
Research networks involved in post-market pharmacosurveillance in the United States, United Kingdom, France, New Zealand, Australia, Norway and European Union: Lessons for Canada
ME Wiktorowicz, J Lexchin, M Paterson, B Mintzes, C Metge, D Light, ...
Canadian Patient Safety Institute, 2000
Transnational pharmacogovernance: emergent patterns in the jazz of pharmaceutical policy convergence
M Wiktorowicz, K Moscou, J Lexchin
Globalization and health 14, 1-20, 2018
Global governance for pandemic prevention and the wildlife trade
E Gallo-Cajiao, S Lieberman, N Dolšak, A Prakash, R Labonté, D Biggs, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 7 (4), e336-e345, 2023
Governance of natural health products regulation: an iterative process
R Walji, M Wiktorowicz
Health Policy 111 (1), 86-94, 2013
Shifting priorities at the health protection branch: challenges to the regulatory process
ME Wiktorowicz
Canadian Public Administration 43 (1), 1-22, 2000
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Articles 1–20