Michelle Reboita
Michelle Reboita
Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, Unifei
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Regimes de precipitação na América do Sul: uma revisão bibliográfica
MS Reboita, MA Gan, RP Rocha, T Ambrizzi
Revista brasileira de meteorologia 25, 185-204, 2010
The 2014 southeast Brazil austral summer drought: regional scale mechanisms and teleconnections
CAS Coelho, CP de Oliveira, T Ambrizzi, MS Reboita, CB Carpenedo, ...
Climate Dynamics 46, 3737-3752, 2016
Entendendo o Tempo e o Clima na América do Sul
MS Reboita, N Krusche, T Ambrizzi, RP da Rocha
Terræ didatica 8 (1), 34-50, 2012
Aspectos climáticos do estado de Minas Gerais
MS Reboita, M Rodrigues, LF Silva, MA Alves
Revista Brasileira de Climatologia 17, 2015
Assessment of CMIP6 performance and projected temperature and precipitation changes over South America
M Almazroui, M Ashfaq, MN Islam, IU Rashid, S Kamil, MA Abid, E O’Brien, ...
Earth Systems and Environment 5 (2), 155-183, 2021
South Atlantic Ocean cyclogenesis climatology simulated by regional climate model (RegCM3)
MS Reboita, RP Da Rocha, T Ambrizzi, S Sugahara
Climate Dynamics 35, 1331-1347, 2010
The South Atlantic subtropical anticyclone: present and future climate
MS Reboita, T Ambrizzi, BA Silva, RF Pinheiro, RPR Da Rocha
Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 8, 2019
Relationship between the southern annular mode and southern hemisphere atmospheric systems
MS Reboita, T Ambrizzi, RP Rocha
Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 24, 48-55, 2009
Precipitation over eastern South America and the South Atlantic Sea surface temperature during neutral ENSO periods
RJ Bombardi, LMV Carvalho, C Jones, MS Reboita
Climate Dynamics 42, 1553-1568, 2014
The state of the art and fundamental aspects of regional climate modeling in South America
T Ambrizzi, MS Reboita, RP da Rocha, M Llopart
Annals of the new york academy of sciences 1436 (1), 98-120, 2019
Classificação climática de Köppen e de Thornthwaite para Minas Gerais: cenário atual e projeções futuras
FB Martins, G Gonzaga, DF Dos Santos, MS Reboita
Revista Brasileira de Climatologia, 2018
Subtropical cyclones over the southwestern South Atlantic: Climatological aspects and case study
LF Gozzo, RP da Rocha, MS Reboita, S Sugahara
Journal of Climate 27 (22), 8543-8562, 2014
Meteorologia: noções básicas
RY Ynoue, MS Reboita, T Ambrizzi, GAM da Silva
Oficina de Textos, 2017
Current and future potential of solar and wind energy over Africa using the RegCM4 CORDEX-CORE ensemble
W Sawadogo, MS Reboita, A Faye, RP da Rocha, RC Odoulami, ...
Climate Dynamics 57 (5), 1647-1672, 2021
Assessment of multi-model climate projections of water resources over South America CORDEX domain
M Llopart, M Simões Reboita, R Porfírio da Rocha
Climate Dynamics 54 (1), 99-116, 2020
Climatological features of cutoff low systems in the Southern Hemisphere
MS Reboita, R Nieto, L Gimeno, RPR Da Rocha, T Ambrizzi, R Garreaud, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115 (D17), 2010
Trend and teleconnection patterns in the climatology of extratropical cyclones over the Southern Hemisphere
MS Reboita, RP Da Rocha, T Ambrizzi, CD Gouveia
Climate Dynamics 45, 1929-1944, 2015
Climate projections for South America: RegCM3 driven by HadCM3 and ECHAM5
MS Reboita, RP da Rocha, CG Dias, RY Ynoue
Advances in Meteorology 2014 (1), 376738, 2014
Impacts of teleconnection patterns on South America climate
MS Reboita, T Ambrizzi, NM Crespo, LMM Dutra, GWS Ferreira, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1504 (1), 116-153, 2021
Robust late twenty-first century shift in the regional monsoons in RegCM-CORDEX simulations
M Ashfaq, T Cavazos, MS Reboita, JA Torres-Alavez, ES Im, CF Olusegun, ...
Climate Dynamics 57, 1463-1488, 2021
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Articles 1–20