Richard Guerrant
Richard Guerrant
Emeritus Professor of International Medicine, University of Virginia
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Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic …
T Vos, RM Barber, B Bell, A Bertozzi-Villa, S Biryukov, I Bolliger, ...
The lancet 386 (9995), 743-800, 2015
The global burden of diarrhoeal disease, as estimated from studies published between 1992 and 2000
M Kosek, C Bern, RL Guerrant
Bulletin of the world health organization 81, 197-204, 2003
Practice guidelines for the management of infectious diarrhea
RL Guerrant, T Van Gilder, TS Steiner, NM Thielman, L Slutsker, ...
Clinical infectious diseases 32 (3), 331-351, 2001
A review of the global burden, novel diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccine targets for cryptosporidium
W Checkley, AC White, D Jaganath, MJ Arrowood, RM Chalmers, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 15 (1), 85-94, 2015
Problems in recognition and diagnosis of amebiasis: estimation of the global magnitude of morbidity and mortality
JA Walsh
Reviews of infectious diseases 8 (2), 228-238, 1986
Pathogen-specific burdens of community diarrhoea in developing countries: a multisite birth cohort study (MAL-ED)
JA Platts-Mills, S Babji, L Bodhidatta, J Gratz, R Haque, A Havt, ...
The Lancet Global Health 3 (9), e564-e575, 2015
Multi-country analysis of the effects of diarrhoea on childhood stunting
W Checkley, G Buckley, RH Gilman, AMO Assis, RL Guerrant, SS Morris, ...
International journal of epidemiology 37 (4), 816-830, 2008
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate and alteration of Chinese hamster ovary cell morphology: a rapid, sensitive in vitro assay for the enterotoxins of Vibrio cholerae and …
RL Guerrant, LL Brunton, TC Schnaitman, LI Rebhun, AG Gilman
Infection and immunity 10 (2), 320-327, 1974
Acute infectious diarrhea
NM Thielman, RL Guerrant
New England Journal of Medicine 350 (1), 38-47, 2004
The impoverished gut—a triple burden of diarrhoea, stunting and chronic disease
RL Guerrant, MD DeBoer, SR Moore, RJ Scharf, AAM Lima
Nature reviews Gastroenterology & hepatology 10 (4), 220-229, 2013
An update on the use and investigation of probiotics in health and disease
ME Sanders, F Guarner, R Guerrant, PR Holt, EMM Quigley, RB Sartor, ...
Gut 62 (5), 787-796, 2013
Malnutrition as an enteric infectious disease with long-term effects on child development
RL Guerrant, RB Oriá, SR Moore, MOB Oriá, AAM Lima
Nutrition reviews 66 (9), 487-505, 2008
Diarrhea in developed and developing countries: magnitude, special settings, and etiologies
RL Guerrant, JM Hughes, NL Lima, J Crane
Reviews of infectious diseases 12 (Supplement_1), S41-S50, 1990
Enteric infections, diarrhea, and their impact on function and development
WA Petri, M Miller, HJ Binder, MM Levine, R Dillingham, RL Guerrant
The Journal of clinical investigation 118 (4), 1277-1290, 2008
Association of early childhood diarrhea and cryptosporidiosis with impaired physical fitness and cognitive function four-seven years later in a poor urban community in …
DI Guerrant, SR Moore, AA Lima, PD Patrick, JB Schorling, RL Guerrant
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 61 (5), 707-713, 1999
Urea protects Helicobacter (Campylobacter) pylori from the bactericidal effect of acid
BJ Marshall, LJ Barrett, C Prakash, RW McCallum, RL Guerrant
Gastroenterology 99 (3), 697-702, 1990
Prospective study of diarrheal illnesses in northeastern Brazil: patterns of disease, nutritional impact, etiologies, and risk factors
RL Guerrant, LV Kirchhoff, DS Shields, MK Nations, J Leslie, ...
Journal of infectious diseases 148 (6), 986-997, 1983
Cryptosporidiosis: an emerging, highly infectious threat.
RL Guerrant
Emerging infectious diseases 3 (1), 51, 1997
Role of adherence in cytopathogenic mechanisms of Entamoeba histolytica: study with mammalian tissue culture cells and human erythrocytes
JI Ravdin, RL Guerrant
The Journal of clinical investigation 68 (5), 1305-1313, 1981
Role of cyclic GMP in the action of heat-stable enterotoxin of Escherichia coli
JM Hughes, F Murad, B Chang, RL Guerrant
Nature 271 (5647), 755-756, 1978
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Articles 1–20