Thomas Calmant
Thomas Calmant
Kentyou, Grenoble, France
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Cited by
Cited by
A dynamic and service-oriented component model for python long-lived applications
T Calmant, JC Americo, O Gattaz, D Donsez, K Gama
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on component based software …, 2012
Scalable machine learning for predicting at-risk profiles upon hospital admission
P Genevès, T Calmant, N Layaïda, M Lepelley, S Artemova, JL Bosson
Big data research 12, 23-34, 2018
Study on preferential concentration of inertial particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence via big-data techniques
M Obligado, A Cartellier, A Aliseda, T Calmant, N de Palma
Physical Review Fluids 5 (2), 024303, 2020
Real-time camera analytics for enhancing traffic intersection safety
M Ghasemi, S Kleisarchaki, T Calmant, L Gürgen, J Ghaderi, Z Kostic, ...
Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems …, 2022
Developing Dynamic Heterogeneous Environments in Smart Building Using iPOPO.
S Abras, T Calmant, S Ploix, D Donsez, F Wurtz, O Gattaz, B Delinchant
SMARTGREENS, 273-279, 2014
Power management of laptops batteries in dynamic heterogeneous environments using iPOPO
S Abras, T Calmant, B Delinchant, S Ploix, F Wurtz, MP Singh
IBPSA 2014, 2014
A dynamic sca-based system for smart homes and offices
T Calmant, J Claudio Américo, D Donsez, O Gattaz
Service-Oriented Computing-ICSOC 2012 Workshops: ICSOC 2012, International …, 2013
Real-time Multi-Camera Analytics for Traffic Information Extraction and Visualization
M Ghasemi, S Kleisarchaki, T Calmant, J Lu, S Ojha, Z Kostic, L Gürgen, ...
2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2023
Predicting At-Risk Patient Profiles from Big Prescription Data
P Geneves, T Calmant, N Layaïda, M Lepelley, S Artemova, JL Bosson
ffhal-01517087v4f [Reprint], 2017
Preferential concentration of dense sub-Kolmogorov particles in active-grid-generated turbulence
M Obligado, T Calmant, N de Palma, A Aliseda, AH Cartellier
10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2019), 2019
Gestion autonomique d'applications dynamiques sûres et résilientes
T Calmant
Université Grenoble Alpes, 2015
Self-Managed Component-Based Software Architecture for Business Process Management
B Debbabi, T Calmant, O Gattaz, S Massonnat, P Emin
2015 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 145-146, 2015
Real-time Multi-Camera Analytics
M Ghasemi, S Kleisarchaki, T Calmant, J Lu, S Ojha, Z Kostic, L Gürgen, ...
T Calmant, JC Américo, D Donsez, O Gattaz
Appel de Jussieu pour la Science ouverte et la bibliodiversité (16/10/17)
P Genevès, T Calmant, N Layaïda, M Lepelley, S Artemova
Évolution 81, 645, 0
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Articles 1–15