Laura Huenneke
Laura Huenneke
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Global biodiversity scenarios for the year 2100
OE Sala, F Stuart Chapin, JJ Armesto, E Berlow, J Bloomfield, R Dirzo, ...
science 287 (5459), 1770-1774, 2000
Disturbance, diversity, and invasion: implications for conservation
RJ Hobbs, LF Huenneke
Conservation biology 6 (3), 324-337, 1992
Biological feedbacks in global desertification
WH Schlesinger, JF Reynolds, GL Cunningham, LF Huenneke, ...
Science 247 (4946), 1043-1048, 1990
Effects of soil resources on plant invasion and community structure in Californian serpentine grassland
LF Huenneke, SP Hamburg, R Koide, HA Mooney, PM Vitousek
Ecology 71 (2), 478-491, 1990
Functional diversity revealed by removal experiments
S Dıaz, AJ Symstad, FS Chapin, DA Wardle, LF Huenneke
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 18 (3), 140-146, 2003
Ecological implications of genetic variation in plant populations.
LF Huenneke
Desertification alters patterns of aboveground net primary production in Chihuahuan ecosystems
LF Huenneke, JP Anderson, M Remmenga, WH Schlesinger
Global Change Biology 8 (3), 247-264, 2002
Long-term and large-scale perspectives on the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
AJ Symstad, FS Chapin, DH Wall, KL Gross, LF Huenneke, GG Mittelbach, ...
Bioscience 53 (1), 89-98, 2003
Ecosystem function of biodiversity: a summary
ED Schulze, HA Mooney
Biodiversity and ecosystem function, 497-510, 1994
& Wall, DH 2000
OE Sala, FS Chapin, JJ Armesto, E Berlow, J Bloomfield, R Dirzo, ...
Global biodiversity scenarios for the year 2100, 1770-1774, 0
Microsite abundance and distribution of woody seedlings in a South Carolina cypress-tupelo swamp
LF Huenneke, RR Sharitz
American Midland Naturalist, 328-335, 1986
Seedling and clonal recruitment of the invasive tree Psidium cattleianum: implications for management of native Hawaiian forests
LF Huenneke, PM Vitousek
Biological Conservation 53 (3), 199-211, 1990
Potential interference between a threatened endemic thistle and an invasive nonnative plant
LF Huenneke, JK Thomson
Conservation Biology 9 (2), 416-425, 1995
Spatial heterogeneity in Chihuahuan Desert vegetation: implications for sampling methods in semi-arid ecosystems
LF Huenneke, D Clason, E Muldavin
Journal of Arid Environments 47 (3), 257-270, 2001
Stem dynamics of the shrub Alnus incana ssp. rugosa: transition matrix models
LF Huenneke, PL Marks
Ecology 68 (5), 1234-1242, 1987
Structure and function of a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem: the Jornada Basin long-term ecological research site
KM Havstad, LF Huenneke, WH Schlesinger
Oxford University Press, 2006
Key strategies for building research capacity of university faculty members
LF Huenneke, DM Stearns, JD Martinez, K Laurila
Innovative higher education 42, 421-435, 2017
Global biodiversity scenarios for the year 2100
E Huber-Sanwald, LF Huenneke, RB Jackson, A Kinzig, R Leemans, ...
Science 287 (5459), 17701774, 2000
Understory response to gaps caused by the death of Ulmus americana in central New York
LF Huenneke
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 170-175, 1983
Gopher mound soil reduces growth and affects ion uptake of two annual grassland species
RT Koide, LF Huenneke, HA Mooney
Oecologia 72, 284-290, 1987
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