Mora Matassi
Cited by
Cited by
“News comes across when I’m in a moment of leisure”: Understanding the practices of incidental news consumption on social media
PJ Boczkowski, E Mitchelstein, M Matassi
New media & society 20 (10), 3523-3539, 2018
How young users deal with multiple platforms: The role of meaning-making in social media repertoires
PJ Boczkowski, M Matassi, E Mitchelstein
Journal of computer-mediated communication 23 (5), 245-259, 2018
Incidental news: How young people consume news on social media
P Boczkowski, E Mitchelstein, M Matassi
Domesticating WhatsApp: Family, friends, work, and study in everyday communication
M Matassi, PJ Boczkowski, E Mitchelstein
New media & society 21 (10), 2183-2200, 2019
Redes sociales en Iberoamérica. Artículo de revisión
M Matassi, PJ Boczkowski
Profesional de la Información 29 (1), 2020
Minimal effects, maximum panic: social media and democracy in Latin America
E Mitchelstein, M Matassi, PJ Boczkowski
Social Media+ Society 6 (4), 2056305120984452, 2020
An agenda for comparative social media studies: The value of understanding practices from cross-national, cross-media, and cross-platform perspectives
M Matassi, P Boczkowski
International Journal of Communication 15, 22, 2021
El medio ya no es medio ni mensaje
PJ Boczkowski, E Mitchelstein, M Matassi, J De Marziani
Anfibia, 2016
To Know Is to Compare: Studying Social Media across Nations, Media, and Platforms
M Matassi, PJ Boczkowski
MIT Press, 2023
Social media repertoires: Social structure and platform use
M Matassi, E Mitchelstein, P Boczkowski
The Information Society 38 (2), 133-146, 2022
Social media in ibero-America. Review article
M Matassi, PJ Boczkowski
Profesional de la Información 29 (1), 2020
Vivir en las redes
P Boczkowski, E Mitchelstein, M Matassi
Revista Anfibia. Disponible, 2017
Huellas de la presencia conectada: estudio en recepción de la última hora de conexión y la confirmación de lectura del mensaje en el dispositivo WhatsApp
M Matassi
Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, 2015
Mapping a pluralistic continuum of approaches to digital disconnection
MQ Ross, A Gilbert, J Klingelhoefer, M Matassi, LM Nassen, ...
Media, Culture & Society 46 (4), 851-862, 2024
Conocer es comparar: Estudiar las redes sociales a través de los países, los medios y las plataformas
M Matassi, PJ Boczkowski
Siglo XXI Editores, 2024
Mapping Transdisciplinary Views on Disconnection Studies: Perspectives from an Interdisciplinary Research Collective.
MQ Ross, A Gilbert, J Klingelhöfer, M Matassi, LM Nassen, ...
ICA Pre-conference 2023: Key themes in digital disconnection research …, 2023
The Digital Environment How We Live, Learn, Work, and Play Now
M Matassi
InMediaciones de la comunicación 17 (1), 9, 2022
¿ Hacia dónde vamos si el futuro ya llegó?
M Matassi, E Mitchelstein, PJ Boczkowski
Anfibia, 2016
Verificar para creer
M Matassi, E Mitchelstein, PJ Boczkowski
Bastion Digital, 2016
La campaña en las redes
M Matassi, E Mitchelstein, PJ Boczkowski
Bastion Digital, 2016
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Articles 1–20