Joaquin Alvarez
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Cited by
An invariance principle for discontinuous dynamic systems with application to a coulomb friction oscillator
J Alvarez, I Orlov, L Acho
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control 122 (4), 687-690, 2000
Nonlinear regulation of a Lorenz system by feedback linearization techniques
J Alvarez-Gallegos
Dynamics and Control 4 (3), 277-298, 1994
The sympathy of two pendulum clocks: beyond Huygens’ observations
J Peña Ramirez, LA Olvera, H Nijmeijer, J Alvarez
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23580, 2016
Pneumonia treated in the internal medicine department: focus on healthcare-associated pneumonia
M Giannella, B Pinilla, JA Capdevila, JM Alarcón, P Muñoz, JL Álvarez, ...
Clinical microbiology and infection 18 (8), 786-794, 2012
Global position regulation of friction manipulators via switched chattering control
Y Orlov, J Alvarez, L Acho, L Aguilar
International Journal of Control 76 (14), 1446-1452, 2003
Robust synchronization of Sprott circuits using sliding mode control
DIR Almeida, J Alvarez, JG Barajas
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 30 (1), 11-18, 2006
Hybrid sliding-mode-based control of underactuated systems with dry friction
R Martinez, J Alvarez, Y Orlov
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (11), 3998-4003, 2008
Robust observation and identification of nDOF Lagrangian systems
DI Rosas Almeida, J Alvarez, L Fridman
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2007
Robust sliding mode control for the boost converter
DO Cortes, J Alvarez
VIII IEEE International Power Electronics Congress, 2002. Technical …, 2002
Hopf bifurcation control: a new approach
F Verduzco, J Alvarez
Systems & Control Letters 55 (6), 437-451, 2006
Master-slave synchronization via dynamic control
JP Ramirez, E Garcia, J Alvarez
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 80, 104977, 2020
Tracking control of the boost converter
D Cortes, J Alvarez, J Álvarez, A Fradkov
IEE Proceedings-Control theory and applications 151 (2), 218-224, 2004
Nonlinear disturbance decoupling control of a binary distillation column
R Castro, J Alvarez, J Alvarez
Automatica 26 (3), 567-572, 1990
Bifurcations and chaos in a linear control system with saturated input
J Alvarez, LE Curiel
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 7 (08), 1811-1822, 1997
Complex dynamics in classical control systems
J Alvarez, E Curiel, F Verduzco
Systems & control letters 31 (5), 277-285, 1997
An internal-model controller for a class of single-input single-output nonlinear systems: stability and robustness
J Alvarez, S Zazueta
Dynamics and control 8 (2), 123-144, 1998
Analog implementation of a robust control strategy for mechanical systems
J Alvarez, D Rosas, J Peña
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (9), 3377-3385, 2009
A controller for 2-DOF underactuated mechanical systems with discontinuous friction
R Martinez, J Alvarez
Nonlinear Dynamics 53, 191-200, 2008
Experimental analysis and control of a chaotic pendubot
HG González-Hernández, J Alvarez, J Alvarez-Gallegos
The International Journal of Robotics Research 23 (9), 891-901, 2004
Synchronization in the Lorenz system: stability and robustness
J Alvarez
Nonlinear Dynamics 10, 89-103, 1996
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Articles 1–20