Andres Codas
Andres Codas
Other namesAndres Codas Duarte
Senior Research Software Engineer | Microsoft
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Orca 2: Teaching small language models how to reason
A Mitra, L Del Corro, S Mahajan, A Codas, C Simoes, S Agarwal, X Chen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.11045, 2023
Mixed-integer linear optimization for optimal lift-gas allocation with well-separator routing
A Codas, E Camponogara
European Journal of Operational Research 217 (1), 222-231, 2012
Integrated production optimization of oil fields with pressure and routing constraints: The Urucu field
A Codas, S Campos, E Camponogara, V Gunnerud, S Sunjerga
Computers & Chemical Engineering 46, 178-189, 2012
Fault-aware neural code rankers
JP Inala, C Wang, M Yang, A Codas, M Encarnación, S Lahiri, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 13419-13432, 2022
Accelerating physics-based simulations using end-to-end neural network proxies: An application in oil reservoir modeling
J Navrátil, A King, J Rios, G Kollias, R Torrado, A Codas
Frontiers in big Data 2, 471450, 2019
Output-constraint handling and parallelization for oil-reservoir control optimization by means of multiple shooting
A Codas, B Foss, E Camponogara
SPE Journal 20 (04), 856-871, 2015
A two-layer structure for stabilization and optimization of an oil gathering network
A Codas, E Jahanshahi, B Foss
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (7), 931-936, 2016
Closed-loop predictions in reservoir management under uncertainty
KG Hanssen, A Codas, B Foss
SPE Journal 22 (05), 1585-1595, 2017
Plantwide control of an oil production network
E Jahanshahi, D Krishnamoorthy, A Codas, B Foss, S Skogestad
Computers & Chemical Engineering 136, 106765, 2020
Sucker-rod pumping system: Simulator and dynamic level control using bottom hole pressure
B Ordonez, A Codas, UF Moreno, A Teixeira
2008 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2008
A computational analysis of convex combination models for multidimensional piecewise-linear approximation in oil production optimization
TL Silva, A Codas, E Camponogara
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (8), 292-298, 2012
Agentinstruct: Toward generative teaching with agentic flows
A Mitra, L Del Corro, G Zheng, S Mahajan, D Rouhana, A Codas, Y Lu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.03502, 2024
Improving the operational conditions for the sucker-rod pumping system
B Ordonez, A Codas, UF Moreno
2009 IEEE Control Applications,(CCA) & Intelligent Control,(ISIC), 1259-1264, 2009
Redes Locais Sem Fio: Conceito e Aplicações
U Corrêa, AR Pinto, A Codas, DJ Ferreira, C Montez
Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2006
S3rp: Self-supervised super-resolution and prediction for advection-diffusion process
C Wang, K Yeo, X Jin, A Codas, LJ Klein, B Elmegreen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.04639, 2021
Systemwide optimal control of offshore oil production networks with time dependent constraints
MA Aguiar, A Codas, E Camponogara
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (6), 200-207, 2015
An end-to-end deep sequential surrogate model for high performance reservoir modeling: Enabling New Workflows
J Navratil, G De Paola, G Kollias, P Nadukandi, A Codas, C Ibanez-Llano
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, D041S046R006, 2020
Multiple shooting applied to robust reservoir control optimization including output constraints on coherent risk measures
A Codas, KG Hanssen, B Foss, A Capolei, JB Jørgensen
Computational Geosciences 21, 479-497, 2017
Robot localization algorithm using odometry and RFID technology
A Codas, M Devy, C Lemaire
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 43 (16), 569-574, 2010
Network-constrained production optimization by means of multiple shooting
TL Silva, A Codas, M Stanko, E Camponogara, B Foss
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 22 (02), 709-733, 2019
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Articles 1–20