Albert A Groenwold
Cited by
Cited by
The particle swarm optimization algorithm in size and shape optimization
PC Fourie, AA Groenwold
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 23, 259-267, 2002
A study of global optimization using particle swarms
JF Schutte, AA Groenwold
Journal of global optimization 31, 93-108, 2005
Sizing design of truss structures using particle swarms
JF Schutte, AA Groenwold
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 25, 261-269, 2003
Optimization with non-homogeneous failure criteria like Tsai–Wu for composite laminates
AA Groenwold, RT Haftka
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 32, 183-190, 2006
Global search for critical failure surface in slope stability analysis
H Bolton, G Heymann, A Groenwold
Engineering Optimization 35 (1), 51-65, 2003
Particle swarms in topology optimization
PC Fourie, AA Groenwold
Proceedings of the fourth world congress of structural and multidisciplinary …, 2001
Comparison of linear and classical velocity update rules in particle swarm optimization: notes on diversity
DN Wilke, S Kok, AA Groenwold
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 70 (8), 962-984, 2007
A quadratic approximation for structural topology optimization
AA Groenwold, LFP Etman
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 82 (4), 505-524, 2010
A simple heuristic for gray-scale suppression in optimality criterion-based topology optimization
AA Groenwold, LFP Etman
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 39, 217-225, 2009
On the equivalence of optimality criterion and sequential approximate optimization methods in the classical topology layout problem
AA Groenwold, LFP Etman
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 73 (3), 297-316, 2008
A regional genetic algorithm for the discrete optimal design of truss structures
AA Groenwold, N Stander, JA Snyman
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 44 (6), 749-766, 1999
An efficient 4‐node 24 DOF thick shell finite elementwith 5‐point quadrature
AA Groenwold, N Stander
Engineering Computations 12 (8), 723-747, 1995
Incomplete series expansion for function approximation
AA Groenwold, LFP Etman, JA Snyman, JE Rooda
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 34, 21-40, 2007
Comparison of linear and classical velocity update rules in particle swarm optimization: Notes on scale and frame invariance
DN Wilke, S Kok, AA Groenwold
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 70 (8), 985-1008, 2007
Approximated approximations for SAO
AA Groenwold, LFP Etman, DW Wood
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 41, 39-56, 2010
First-order sequential convex programming using approximate diagonal QP subproblems
LFP Etman, AA Groenwold, JE Rooda
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 45, 479-488, 2012
Analysis and optimum design of fibre-reinforced composite structures
G Kovács, AA Groenwold, K Jarmai, J Farkas
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 28, 170-179, 2004
On using a gradient-based method for heliostat field layout optimization
SL Lutchman, AA Groenwold, P Gauché, S Bode
Energy Procedia 49, 1429-1438, 2014
Optimal discrete sizing of truss structures subject to buckling constraints
AA Groenwold, N Stander
Structural optimization 14, 71-80, 1997
Modified fuzzy c-means for ordinal valued attributes with particle swarm for optimization
RK Brouwer, A Groenwold
Fuzzy sets and systems 161 (13), 1774-1789, 2010
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Articles 1–20