Zydrunas Gimbutas
Zydrunas Gimbutas
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On the compression of low rank matrices
H Cheng, Z Gimbutas, PG Martinsson, V Rokhlin
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 26 (4), 1389-1404, 2005
A wideband fast multipole method for the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions
H Cheng, WY Crutchfield, Z Gimbutas, LF Greengard, JF Ethridge, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 216 (1), 300-325, 2006
A numerical algorithm for the construction of efficient quadrature rules in two and higher dimensions
H Xiao, Z Gimbutas
Computers & mathematics with applications 59 (2), 663-676, 2010
A nonlinear optimization procedure for generalized Gaussian quadratures
J Bremer, Z Gimbutas, V Rokhlin
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 32 (4), 1761-1788, 2010
A generalized fast multipole method for nonoscillatory kernels
Z Gimbutas, V Rokhlin
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 24 (3), 796-817, 2003
System and method for document analysis, processing and information extraction
F Geshwind, A Coppi, W Fateley, N Black, Z Gimbutas, M Doery
US Patent App. 11/230,949, 2006
The decoupled potential integral equation for time‐harmonic electromagnetic scattering
F Vico, M Ferrando, L Greengard, Z Gimbutas
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 69 (4), 771-812, 2016
Accurate numerical methods for micromagnetics simulations with general geometries
CJ Garcıa-Cervera, Z Gimbutas, E Weinan
Journal of Computational Physics 184 (1), 37-52, 2003
A standard system phantom for magnetic resonance imaging
KF Stupic, M Ainslie, MA Boss, C Charles, AM Dienstfrey, JL Evelhoch, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 86 (3), 1194-1211, 2021
A Nyström method for weakly singular integral operators on surfaces
J Bremer, Z Gimbutas
Journal of computational physics 231 (14), 4885-4903, 2012
A fast and stable method for rotating spherical harmonic expansions
Z Gimbutas, L Greengard
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (16), 5621-5627, 2009
Fast multi-particle scattering: A hybrid solver for the Maxwell equations in microstructured materials
Z Gimbutas, L Greengard
Journal of Computational Physics 232 (1), 22-32, 2013
A fast multipole method for the Rotne–Prager–Yamakawa tensor and its applications
Z Liang, Z Gimbutas, L Greengard, J Huang, S Jiang
Journal of Computational Physics 234, 133-139, 2013
Remarks on the implementation of wideband FMM for the Helmholtz equation in two dimensions
W Crutchfield, Z Gimbutas, L Greengard, J Huang, V Rokhlin, N Yarvin, ...
Contemporary Mathematics 408 (01), 2006
Computational software: Simple fmm libraries for electrostatics, slow viscous flow, and frequency-domain wave propagation
Z Gimbutas, L Greengard
Communications in Computational Physics 18 (2), 516-528, 2015
Boundary integral equation analysis on the sphere
F Vico, L Greengard, Z Gimbutas
Numerische Mathematik 128, 463-487, 2014
FMMLIB2D, a MATLAB Toolbox for Fast Multipole Method in Two Dimensions, Version 1.2
L Greengard, Z Gimbutas
Edition http://www. cims. nyu. edu/cmcl/fmm2dlib/fmm2dlib. html, 2012
Multi-site, multi-platform comparison of MRI T1 measurement using the system phantom
KE Keenan, Z Gimbutas, A Dienstfrey, KF Stupic, MA Boss, SE Russek, ...
PLoS One 16 (6), e0252966, 2021
Overcoming low-frequency breakdown of the magnetic field integral equation
F Vico, Z Gimbutas, L Greengard, M Ferrando-Bataller
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 61 (3), 1285-1290, 2012
Randomized methods for rank-deficient linear systems
J Sifuentes, Z Gimbutas, L Greengard
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.3068, 2014
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Articles 1–20