A. Bokhari
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Cited by
Generalization of the double reduction theory
AH Bokhari, AY Al-Dweik, FD Zaman, AH Kara, FM Mahomed
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11 (5), 3763-3769, 2010
Symmetries of static, spherically symmetric space‐times
AH Bokhari, A Qadir
Journal of mathematical physics 28 (5), 1019-1022, 1987
Solitons and conservation laws of Klein–Gordon equation with power law and log law nonlinearities
A Biswas, AH Kara, AH Bokhari, FD Zaman
Nonlinear Dynamics 73, 2191-2196, 2013
Double reduction of a nonlinear (2+ 1) wave equation via conservation laws
AH Bokhari, AY Al-Dweik, AH Kara, FM Mahomed, FD Zaman
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 16 (3), 1244-1253, 2011
Collineations of the Ricci tensor
AH Bokhari, A Qadir
Journal of mathematical physics 34 (8), 3543-3552, 1993
Noether versus Killing symmetry of conformally flat Friedmann metric
AH Bokhari, AH Kara
General Relativity and Gravitation 39, 2053-2059, 2007
Conformal Killing vectors of plane symmetric four dimensional Lorentzian manifolds
S Khan, T Hussain, AH Bokhari, GA Khan
The European Physical Journal C 75, 1-9, 2015
Noether symmetries versus Killing vectors and isometries of spacetimes
AH Bokhari, AH Kara, AR Kashif, FD Zaman
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 45, 1029-1039, 2006
Symmetry classifications and reductions of some classes of (2+ 1)-nonlinear heat equation
A Ahmad, AH Bokhari, AH Kara, FD Zaman
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 339 (1), 175-181, 2008
Conservation laws of coupled Klein-Gordon equations with cubic and power law nonlinearities
A Biswas, AH Kara, L Moraru, AH Bokhari, FD Zaman
Proceedings of the Romanian academy, Series A 15 (2), 123-129, 2014
Adomian decomposition method for a nonlinear heat equation with temperature dependent thermal properties
AH Bokhari, G Mohammad, MT Mustafa, FD Zaman
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2009, 2009
Test particles dynamics around deformed Reissner-Nordström black hole
AH Bokhari, J Rayimbaev, B Ahmedov
Physical Review D 102 (12), 124078, 2020
Erratum: Ricci collineations of static spherically symmetric spacetimes [J. Math. Phys. 35, 3005–3012 (1994)]
MJ Amir, AH Bokhari, A Qadir
Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 (2), 1089-1089, 1996
A note on a symmetry analysis and exact solutions of a nonlinear fin equation
AH Bokhari, AH Kara, FD Zaman
Applied mathematics letters 19 (12), 1356-1360, 2006
Some viscous fluid cosmological models of plane symmetry
SR Roy, S Prakash
Journal of Physics A Mathematical General 9 (2), 261-267, 1976
Symmetries and integrability of a fourth-order Euler–Bernoulli beam equation
AH Bokhari, FM Mahomed, FD Zaman
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (5), 2010
Symmetries, conservation laws, reductions, and exact solutions for the Klein–Gordon equation in de Sitter space–times
S Jamal, AH Kara, AH Bokhari
Canadian Journal of Physics 90 (7), 667-674, 2012
On the solutions and conservation laws of the model for tumor growth in the brain
AH Bokhari, AH Kara, FD Zaman
Journal of Mathematical analysis and Applications 350 (1), 256-261, 2009
Curvature collineations of some static spherically symmetric space–times
AH Bokhari, AR Kashif
Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 (7), 3498-3504, 1996
Killing vectors of static spherically symmetric metrics
AH Bokhari, A Qadir
Journal of mathematical physics 31 (6), 1463-1463, 1990
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Articles 1–20